
  • Created: 2011-08-08 19:20, Views: 2192
    I have always been interested in, unless time travelling, then at least imagining how concrete place looked before century or two and how could it look in the future. I just took my camera and went to center, so I could take some photos with Riga streets, buildings and squares and little bit later to compare with in Letonika data base found history photos.
  • Created: 2011-08-01 20:34, Views: 3970
    Recently I read in Latvian language Catalonian artist, surrealist Salvador Dali single novel „Hidden faces” (2011). When you’re interested in art and literature it’s unavoidable, because like author himself says in the first sentence: „Every, earlier or later, fatally will face me.”
  • Created: 2010-09-09 22:51, Views: 0
    Homely, soft, confortable, luxurious and sophisticated, warm and your feet cooling, worn or only for special guests carefully stored – for anybody your sweet slippers. Now, when I’m at home, I wear my mom’s made crochet slippers. Although, I have always been fascinated by Victorian period lady slippers on luxurious heel with vintage rose design. In some centuries they have been as practical shoes, as symbol and component of rituals. What is the history of slippers?
  • Created: 2009-03-03 22:02, Views: 0
    Interest about this science or pseudoscience (who like how) caused a broadcast in television channel “24TEXHO”, where English phrenologist talked about this theory birth history and shortly introduced about it. In any case, it is one of forms how person can better find out himself and other people, to quess his predisposition to one or other case.
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