
  • Created: 2010-05-20 23:37, Views: 2053
    Spatial Extensions is a set of data types and functions, helps easily (by not using geometrical mathematics) work with points in the map, polygons and distances and other units can be found in geographical maps. According to documentation [1] Spatial Extensions can be used as well in MyISAM as in InnoDB with a one note – InnoDB does not support spatial indexes. I have not checked if something is changed in the recent versions of MySql.
  • Created: 2009-04-09 13:39, Views: 4874
    Command line tool is a good thing, but user friendly graphical interface – even more. This story is about MySQL design environment, or GUI. Exactly most of programmers need – easy edit, function to save query, connection management and data / structure synchronization. And, of course – backups. I would rather say this is most successful software for MySQL I ever found.
  • Created: 2009-02-10 09:26, Views: 4672
    This time, I will make a closer look at mysql user variables. They can be divided into two main categories: defined variables, used in procedures and functions and undefined, also can be used in procedures and function, but also can be used in sql queries as in-line code.
  • Created: 2009-02-08 13:18, Views: 11088
    Problem is as old as a world – how to get next ID value in MySQL assuming, AUTO_INCREMENT is in use. If ID value is needed after record is submitted and if ID value is needed before insertion is made.
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