Some interesting facts about chocolate

Some interesting facts about chocolate

·         Mexico and Central American priests’ coco beans served as dedication to gods and coco drink used in saint, religious ceremonies. Not so rare it was called as god food. It just confirms that, very long time ago, in other words approximately 1500 B.C. original chocolate effect on human organism was discovered.

·         Name “chocolate” is derived from Aztec name cokolatl – bitter water, with which Aztec named coco drink. Needs to say, that for very long centuries with chocolate understood exactly bitter, dark brown and thick drink, not candy or bars.

·         Chocolate effect on human mind and body was explored long time ago, and of the first discoveries was fixed and publicized in 1653 in France. It was done by popular cardinal RichelieubrotherBonavonturaDiAragon. In details he has written down chocolate effect on human organism and has explored it’s calming down, relaxing and digestive effect.

chocolate, coco, depression, fact, happiness

·         Primary the delight of chocolate was avaible just for rich people from highest society sphere, just because, that from South America to Spain and later to all other European countries imported coco powder was very expensive.

·         In chocolate composition is material – theobromine, which pleasures to human, gives happiness feeling and uplifts.

·         About this pleasuring function in middle ages was fret Christian church and good chocolate makers and users and taste Sayers related with wicked things and decadentism.

·         Nowadays doctors and scientists recommend chocolate to get free from tiredness and to uplift. Like it’s known, to satisfied, happy human illness goes around.

·         Although chocolate eating sometimes is known like capricious woman happiness, there’s known argument in it – chocolate helps women to get over beforemenstrualsyndrome, hurt and depression.

·         Honestly bitter or dark chocolate needs to be eaten regularly, because eating little bit of chocolate every days, your mind will work much better. Chocolate helps to bleed up brain. Not without a reason, there’s an opinion, that students need to eat chocolate in exam time, when really needs to slow down stress and lift up mind.

·         Australian explorer group after many explores said, that one chocolate bar (100g) and glass of vine (150ml), if it’s used every day, and it can extend humans life for about 6 years.

·         Chocolate is made from coco powder, coco butter, adding sugar and it all improving with cream or milk powder, nuts, rosins or some other ingredients. If the bigger % coco powder in chocolate, then it’s bitter and, as we know, better.

·         But we need to remember, that chocolate is goody not food, It need to be tasted slowly, enjoying its beautiful taste, both restorative and calming down effect. Nowadays chocolate choice is so big, that it can delight even the queasiest gourmets’ taste-buds.

·         But from chocolate can appear dependency, people like that are called chocoholic! Yeah, I have noticed it in me too, I better refuse from one piece of chocolate, because I understand, that in opposite case, there will be wish to eat whole chocolate bar or eat whole mixed candy box, bitting and knowing new and new taste bouquets.

·         But psychologists say that having chocolate bar by your hand is a good way to upgrade the community. Offering a chocolate piece to talk partner can do real miracles. :)

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