
  • Created: 2011-07-17 15:44, Views: 1819
    I was talked by, yesterday seen Emilio Estevez feature film „The Way” (2010), in which base is story about a man, which has lost his son and in his place gets in pilgrimage on Santiago road from France to Spain NW city Santiago de compostela, where rest St. Jacob dust. Santiago road is longer than 800 km (for compare, as from Riga to Moscow 920 km, from Riga to Berlin 980 km), is gone by feet, and it is for every person individual exploring or forgiving, or dedication road.
  • Created: 2010-09-20 23:24, Views: 0
    Amaya – in translation from Japanese means “night rain”. Some monotone, delicate, but it seems that never ending rain theme penetrates whole movie. Hong Kong like always in fog and cloudy grey. This evening we watched it, and I suggest it to you too.
  • Created: 2010-02-07 21:27, Views: 3173
    Film for gourmets where a successful composition of visual and audible paintings is expressed. Therefore, in stead of an exciting story it attracts with its music, rhythm and display of subtle emotions.
  • Created: 2009-09-22 20:07, Views: 0
    Italiandirectors Ettore Scola's film "Le Bal" (1983), in which in the Paris dance hall is survived through 50 years of French history from the late 30th to 80s. In addition, changing the message, scenery and events there aren’t spoken no words, no name. Everything’s expressedin actors’ movements, facial expressions, eye gaze and dance.
  • Created: 2008-05-11 21:10, Views: 0
    That’s that, we live in century, when different speculation comes one after other. This film is exactly about that. A kind of continue of Den Braun roman “Da Vinci Code”. Film is separated in three parts, so we made our mind to share with some impressions and facts about every part individually.
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