Good to know
Created: 2013-09-25 21:26, Views: 2942(7)More and more often information space appears in the cases where one reason or another, payment by bank card or the mere fact that a user belongs to a bank card, could lead to any of the only surprise. Although on the basis of common sense and on the basis of the bank advertising, has formed the notion that the payment by bank card is secure, in fact, as evidenced by recent events, is a very real possibility of being without money.
Created: 2011-04-16 00:43, Views: 0(81)
Created: 2010-12-20 22:15, Views: 2626(33)When I am at work, I light a candle; when I come home - I light a candle. When it`s dark outside, people instinctively yearn for and aspire to light. To natural light, not electric, to live fire, which has kept people warm since ancient times but candle light - since 3 thousand years BC. Nowadays we lit candles for creating the right mood rather than for physical warmth or seeing something in the dark. A lit candle is still an integral part of religious or magical rituals.
Created: 2010-09-29 00:17, Views: 5487(78)I read an interesting article of Jeva Karabesko in this year`s September issue of "LILIT" - "The circle that fulfils your wishes" which contained information about many known (especially to those who are interested in esoteric things) things, symbols, drawings - mandala. The article spoke to me because I once was very interested in feng shui and arranging the surrounding environment in harmony with space and my inner world, and it was the first time when I found out about mandalas and its deep sense of energy; also because of the partial feelings - a circle as a static and enclosed unchangeable form has always confused me and made me keep a distance approaching the idea of mandala making.
Created: 2010-09-09 22:51, Views: 0(28)Homely, soft, confortable, luxurious and sophisticated, warm and your feet cooling, worn or only for special guests carefully stored – for anybody your sweet slippers. Now, when I’m at home, I wear my mom’s made crochet slippers. Although, I have always been fascinated by Victorian period lady slippers on luxurious heel with vintage rose design. In some centuries they have been as practical shoes, as symbol and component of rituals. What is the history of slippers?
Created: 2009-11-29 18:36, Views: 0(9)Chocolate effect on human mind and body was explored long time ago, and of the first discoveries was fixed and publicized in 1653 in France. It was done by popular cardinal Richelieu brother Bonavontura Di Aragon. In details he has written down chocolate effect on human organism and has explored it’s calming down, relaxing and digestive effect.
Created: 2008-12-09 23:36, Views: 0(13)