Photo Stories

  • Created: 2011-08-08 19:20, Views: 2192
    I have always been interested in, unless time travelling, then at least imagining how concrete place looked before century or two and how could it look in the future. I just took my camera and went to center, so I could take some photos with Riga streets, buildings and squares and little bit later to compare with in Letonika data base found history photos.
  • Created: 2011-07-04 21:50, Views: 966
    Summer solstice wonderfulness, as it could be, associates with being in nature, in countryside, far from city hurry, noise, hurry. Going on white, graveled countryside road, finally get your eyes up on blue-white sky, hear bird songs, take a deep meadow flower aroma breath, and feel, that with your body is taking a rest your soul too.
  • Created: 2011-04-22 22:00, Views: 1317
    Preparing for Easter at our house is in full swing. Today, we are paint Easter eggs in the old fashioned way - using peel onions and barley. To get Easter eggs more attractive and pattern, I had to donated two socks put barley into them and tied them in a bundle. When the dark red eggs where ready we proudly passed them to Easter bunny.
  • Created: 2011-04-03 18:50, Views: 0
    Stop for a moment, you're beautiful! Iinuu Appropriated and In Photos immortalized scenes.
  • Created: 2011-01-01 14:24, Views: 1292
    A traditional walk with camera in hand through the Old Town and the streets of the city centre in the evening of December 31. This year I caught the feeling of New Year from white mulled wine and a caramelized apple in Dome Square.
  • Created: 2010-09-06 21:01, Views: 1532
    Tonight Silvija delighted me with beautiful northern landscapes from her Norway trip (28.08. – 05.09.2010.). Here you can enjoy the pictures of the beautiful nature of the harsh Scandinavia and, who knows, maybe you will get inspired to travel around this country and see everything with your own eyes. In my opinion, the mountain views are particularly beautiful, when the mist is sleeping in the valleys. P.S. Did you now that Norwegians, Swedes and Danes call Norway - Norge?!
  • Created: 2010-06-06 12:23, Views: 0
    In sunny, but a little bit cold Saturday, as made for walk in pine wood, being admired about multi-colored rhododendrons. Every few moments are seen ant heaps, which loves this place. In rhododendron farm central part is a pond, where, days in comfort, spend duck couples. For one of them, already four lively ducklings. Walking a being admired by rhododendron blossom brightness, you can spend not just one hour in this farm. Just insects don’t give a minute in peace. They’re so many this year.
  • Created: 2010-05-08 22:55, Views: 4872
    I am a spring child and therefore, April, May seem the most beautiful months, when the earth wakes up and starts blooming. Talking about blooming - where else is the flower celebrated and respected so much as in Holland. The rapturous stories about the huge tulip plantations were really justified when I saw the sent pictures.
  • Created: 2010-01-25 18:45, Views: 1038
    This year the winter has been great. I must say that winter is not my favourite season; the coldness does not inspire me to do any physical activities. Looking at it all through a prism of optimism, Latvia is fortunate that here you can enjoy the whole four seasons in all their glory. Below, a photo gallery, which was created in a couple of walks here in Riga with a Nikon D200 in my hand.
  • Created: 2010-01-01 14:01, Views: 1258
    Yesterday, e.g., last year we wandered around the city centre a few hours till New Year to enjoy the media renoned 480 thousand lats worth of decorative lighting. Beautiful!
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