Salvador Dali „Hidden faces”

Salvador Dali „Hidden faces”

Recently I read in Latvian language Catalonian artist, surrealist Salvador Dali single novel „Hidden faces” (2011). When you’re interested in art and literature it’s unavoidable, because like author himself says in the first sentence: „Every, earlier or later, fatally will face me.

Dali, Europe, France, history, love, nostalgia, surrealism

Language – practically no one simple extended sentence, just complex sentences, and with 3-4 subordinate clauses. Very many optical pictures, associations, comparisons. Like not writing, but painting with words. Every small detail in nature, human facial expressions, associations and for author character daydreams „paints” with small good quality brush (just to not to stick together). In the beginning it was pretty hard, because reading asked undivided attention, just to get every thought together, but then it amazed.

Novel tells about France aristocrat destiny, for Europe in not so easy time from 1934 till 1945 year. In attention center are individual moral suffering, value paradigm change in war and after war years, all sacrifice capable love and passion from delicate romantic, nearly receivable till erotic and even perverse.

“Hidden faces” is good title, because directly this face dressing in mask (as in true meaning, as in fig. meaning) plays fatal role in many couple relations. This work protagonist count Hervé Grandsaija and Solange de Kleda interesting game, like both principes and ambitions are those, which don’t let to be together and gets to Solange death. Not one, or another isn’t ready to shows their true faces, true emotion and thoughts.

Before was France aristocrat society Dali very good characterizes with sentence: “Nobody made their plans:  got up late, so that ambition frozen wings won’t get up too, got to bed late too, so conscience voice won’t get up.”

“Boredom combined with fear, becomes dangerous strength.”

Strange things have always connected Dali, big personalities, good and evil genius, that’s why as in the painting, as in journalism, as in this roman he draws Hitler character. That’s different character, not like we historically mean. In my opinion, psychoanalytically deeper.

„Hitler wants war, - he said, - not to win, but to lose. His romantic and masochist in one personality: for him, for hero, final is needed, probably more tragically than in opera of Freedman. In the deep of subconsciousness Hitler wants an end, when opponent boot drags his face, when in which is tragically death sign. “

Dali, Europe, France, history, love, nostalgia, surrealism  Dali, Europe, France, history, love, nostalgia, surrealism

Dali works: Mae West face (1935) & face of Kara (1940)

In his works, Dali very often calls up, his time psychologist Fried, like his sayings uses in his character describing, because “automatically working always shows our thoughts, our soul secrets.

“That’s what kind human is! Strong backbone, passionate in love, fear of death, far bloody feelings, hidden face and always in wings between sky and hell in his being looking!”

Last century 30-40’s in known level made nostalgia for in not so far history, in society known realties and habits, but n nowadays already forgotten. For example, with hand written letters, in which added from magazines cut out pictures, so your friend could know about some happenings.

Some quotes from novel, which I liked:

“Winner – put on his knees, but able to stand on the one step with winner – do not force the rules.”

“.. Happy people always live in the center, like the cursed ones: heaven like the hell, always is in center.”

 “.. There’s no need to talk about things, which you own…”

“I have always dreamed about house, where all door handles were from such not shiny and oxide gold, which nobody even couldn’t think about. From passion, this is ended with just oxide poorness: see, that’s luxury!”

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