
  • Created: 2010-04-28 23:18, Views: 10242
    Once, for some project I had a need to create small YouTube. Actually, ability to view video in the web providing skip forward and rewind ability. Especially such functionality is necessary when viewing long video in order not to wait until all video file is loaded.
  • Created: 2009-01-24 20:25, Views: 9182
    Flamenco - a mixture of traditional Spanish dance and music that can be found in more than 50 different stylistic derivatives. Flamenco is usually performed accompanied by a guitar and percussion, the rhythm is emphasised also by clapping of hands or palms and castanets.
  • Created: 2009-01-19 19:21, Views: 0
    Musical instrument, which is simmilar to guitar, but sound is full of oriental colorit. Single accessible information about in Latvia about this wonderful Indian instrument, is that with the sitar oriental world introduced Ravi Sankar and J.Harison from „The Beatles”.
  • Created: 2008-12-17 20:38, Views: 104976
    Everything that we wear or put on our necks, fingers, arms, legs, heads, has not only a functional but also a symbolic and even a healing meaning of attracting various types of energy. This time about the ring that traditionally is a symbol of completeness, safety and fullness.
  • Created: 2009-02-09 20:50, Views: 4146
    Syrtaki (συρτάκι) is considered an integral part of Greek symbolic and believed to be a Greek folk dance. Although this dance nowadays is willingly danced in Greece, it turns out, that there is a mistaken belief about its origins.
  • Created: 2009-05-06 21:38, Views: 26795
    As the title already says, the story is about how the external application (which this time will be written in PHP) can take action with Skype. Operation range is quite impressive. This time we will use the chat procedure - message sending and message.
  • Created: 2010-12-20 22:15, Views: 2559
    When I am at work, I light a candle; when I come home - I light a candle. When it`s dark outside, people instinctively yearn for and aspire to light. To natural light, not electric, to live fire, which has kept people warm since ancient times but candle light - since 3 thousand years BC. Nowadays we lit candles for creating the right mood rather than for physical warmth or seeing something in the dark. A lit candle is still an integral part of religious or magical rituals.
  • Created: 2011-04-09 02:27, Views: 5382
    Positive changes occurred on very popular in Latvia social network – not only in design, but also step forward was made and social widget using iframe was created for web pages, to be inserted into the blogs or other webs. It was possible to fetch followers using javascript in json format, but as news design was applied, it suddenly stopped to work. And here it comes - new code using iframe.
  • Created: 2011-05-12 21:55, Views: 53868
    Does it really have significant performance differences between Windows 7 32 bit version and 64 bit version? In reality, OS loading speed as well as software launching time is what regular user mainly notices first. It is more specific to notice and benchmark performance improvements in applications and games while this performance differences is not measured in tens of percents.
  • Created: 2009-03-03 22:02, Views: 0
    Interest about this science or pseudoscience (who like how) caused a broadcast in television channel “24TEXHO”, where English phrenologist talked about this theory birth history and shortly introduced about it. In any case, it is one of forms how person can better find out himself and other people, to quess his predisposition to one or other case.
  • Created: 2009-03-07 12:51, Views: 1530
    nclude – is a php construction, allows to include some code located into external file into existing one. Bencmarks shows, that require_once is up to 4 times slower than require. Searching google, you can find different figures and measurements, sometimes contradiction. Some ideas hot to speed it up are described in this article.
  • Created: 2009-10-04 18:34, Views: 3814
    Sevillanas is the first flamenco dance style which I started to learn in Spanish dance studio "Duende". Of course, you have to start with the most basic moves, acquire the posture, hand movements, counting of the rhythm and then the steps. The classes are organized in small groups; thus it is easy for our dance teacher Ilvija to pay attention to everyone individually, correct mistakes and follow the performance. The hour scheduled for each class passes by unnoticed. Now something more about sevillanas itself.
  • Created: 2010-10-29 18:30, Views: 3681
    If we look at the family tree of flamenco, tangos originates mainly from the branch of the Gypsy musical tree (see chart below). This explains the sharp, emphasized movements, a shrill sound and the focus of the performance on the rhythm, not on the melodiousness of the sound. Singing or dancing usually begins with clapping hands according to the rhythm mentioned above and lasts the entire performance, emphasizing the moments of the culmination and anticlimax.
  • Created: 2011-05-19 21:13, Views: 5697
    How fast will 3D desktop become popular depends on many factors, main of them – how usable and convenient will be to work with such desktop. On the first touch, I was unable to feel a significant difference between usage of 3D desktop or switching between tasks in old fashion. I think it is very human to tend to look a side of the monitor to see what is on in a side desktop.
  • Created: 2013-09-25 21:26, Views: 2453
    More and more often information space appears in the cases where one reason or another, payment by bank card or the mere fact that a user belongs to a bank card, could lead to any of the only surprise. Although on the basis of common sense and on the basis of the bank advertising, has formed the notion that the payment by bank card is secure, in fact, as evidenced by recent events, is a very real possibility of being without money.
  • Created: 2009-01-02 23:05, Views: 2594
    At the 1st of the month I will start a new life - I will diet more strictly, because the liberal tables of all the celebrations have added a couple of kilos to my weight; I will wake up half an hour earlier so I can have fresh, natural juice for breakfast; I will call my parents more often because they need my support; I will stop being stingy and buy that black evening dress I have dreamed about for a long time; I will compliment somebody every day and so on. Many of us promise ourselves to start something at the 1st of a month and with the beginning of the New Year. But maybe to change something in our appearances - for example, a new hair cut or colour?
  • Created: 2009-02-07 23:18, Views: 4970
    By this, I would like to clarify how to write countries, languages and currencies in short form. Especially it is important when working in international projects or with software components where these standards are used. For example, how to you think what is 3 digit code for country Latvia? – LAT or LAV? Correct answer is LAV, because LAT is language short form.
  • Created: 2010-08-25 16:53, Views: 8876
    It seemed interesting and highly relevant, therefore, I created a compilation from different sources with ten life principles of each of the twelve zodiac signs. I allowed myself to adjust and highlight the most suitable for each sign.
  • Created: 2010-09-29 00:17, Views: 5403
    I read an interesting article of Jeva Karabesko in this year`s September issue of "LILIT" - "The circle that fulfils your wishes" which contained information about many known (especially to those who are interested in esoteric things) things, symbols, drawings - mandala. The article spoke to me because I once was very interested in feng shui and arranging the surrounding environment in harmony with space and my inner world, and it was the first time when I found out about mandalas and its deep sense of energy; also because of the partial feelings - a circle as a static and enclosed unchangeable form has always confused me and made me keep a distance approaching the idea of mandala making.
  • Created: 2010-12-10 20:28, Views: 3755
    While manufacturers of the digital cameras are fighting for megapixels, offering 5,7, 12 and even more megapix resolutions, skeptics are in doubt whether such high resolution images are needed. In order to make gigapixel image, technologically minded people produced following experiment – made series of hight resolution images by changing only optical zoom
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